In our continued series from our "28 Days To A Healthier You", finding your why is the next step after you've identified your values & goals. Anytime you seek change, finding out why you really want the change is tougher than it seems at first. Sometimes there are underlying concerns or fears that might preclude you from seeing the landscape clearly. So, it's a good idea to invest a bit of time to examine why you're looking to implement change.
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A few changes many of us want to make that spring to mind that are not quite what they seem?
Do you want simply to lose weight? Have a neater home or office Or is it more complicated than that? It's more likely your why is-"I want to be healthier", & "I need to get organized". When you step back & look at the often bigger picture, your why will become clearer. Then, you can add & addresse the total concept, which makes everything easier to navigate, breakdown & put into play.
So, being healthier for example, will entail losing weight, resetting old habits & developing healthier new ones, adding activities to keep you moving, re-stocking your kitchen,& a host of other details that become apparent, once you've panned out to see the bigger picture.

Being organized, for example, can be broken down to manageable elements like bill-paying & filing, cleaning & weeding out unused items, designing a daily timeline of prioritary activities, creating a system that delegates what you & others in your household or professional network need to accomplish so everything gets & stays organized.
There's never just one reason, activity or person involved in any successful project. The most advantageous way to tackle the changes you want to effectuate, is to pan out & view the change in its' entirety, with all elements available, & everyone who might be involved.
That way, you'll see the how-to with much more ease & clarity, & be able to jumpstart your project with ease, enthusiasm, & the confidence you'll need to assure a successful result. Like so much of what we share, it's almost never just a decision, but an acknowledgment that there's a process involved.
The great news is-once you've gotten comfortable with the process, you can breeze through the changes you're looking to make as you transition to a healthier-happier lifestyle with the authority & energy of an expert. You've got a roadmap that will get you where you want to go!
We'll be exploring more about finding your why & how-to in Thursday's PJ Wellness Show, so don't forget to tune in wherever you get your podcasts. Subscribe here.

Best, Patrick & Jo-Anna
TakeAway Tip: Try an exercise: Write down something you want to change. Pan out to see the big picture as best you can. Include ideas, items, costs, people, time-everything you belief might be need to be factored in. When you're done, your why & how-to should be much clearer.
It's an evergreen process that will always work for you!