We hope your holiday celebrations have been safe,healthy & happy! We also hope our TipSheets on our PEACH-Y Plan & Take It Up A Notch-Winter have been helpful. If you missed either one, just click on the titles. We've had fun with the feedback we've gotten during the holidays. They really work!
This week’s blog & Thursday's follow-up podcast will be on the details involved in goal setting, & how to become an expert, so you can achieve your goals. We'll begin our in-depth look here, on how to set up attainable goals, & get into it extensively on Thursday.
So, sign up & we can deliver both to your inbox! When you sign up, we'll send you our free 10 Easy Steps To Lifestyle Transitions, so you can breeze through the holidays with a healthier-happier perspective.
As we love to do, we’re breaking everything down into manageable & time-sensitive detailing, so you can set & achieve your goals!
To get you started, try tackling the most attainable first. For example, begin mastering the art of the daily to-do list. It’s harder than you think, but with practice, you’ll be a successful expert in no time.
A good rule of thumb is our “eat the frog” rule. Simply put, list the most difficult or undesireable tasks first. Get them out of the way early, & you’ll feel confident & accomplished. The rest of the list will be easier. Include tasks from different categories. We believe in the power of checklists, because we know that each task in each category that you’ve completed will bring a healthier-happier lifestyle to you & yours.
Patrick & I both love lists, & I even went so far as to design my own Lifestyle Checklist, because I realized how much easier it was to accomplish what I wanted in a variety of areas in my life, both personally & professionally, if I broke my list down into 90-minute windows in as many different areas as possible.
One caveat though, until you get the hang of it, don’t put anything on your list that you know can’t be done in the day. And, don’t be afraid to carry over. Life gets in the way, so don’t beat yourself up. The more you check off, the better you’ll be at building realistic, do-able daily to-do lists, & the more confident you’ll become as the process becaomes second nature to you, as all habits, good & bad, eventually do!
Next, try your hand at a weekly plan. Since it’s a longer time frame, with much more that could possibly get accomplished or neglected, pay special attention to the realistic details as per time, money, effort & support. A great way to right-hand you, is a good old-fashioned weekly planner.
Choose your planner to reflect your mindset, because what you believe will always affect your process & results.Think of the little train..."I think I can", & make your planner a place to begin realizing your goals.
If you prefer digital, no worries. But, teachers & psychologists have proven the efficacy & learning retention of writing things down. It lends credibility, accountability & confidence, as well as illuminating trouble spots & over-the-top entries. Once you see things in black & white, they are always clarified, & easier to put into play.
Ditto for the monthly to-do list. The key is to corellate what appears on your daily & weekly planners, & let the changes evolve as you write up your monthly plan. Connecting your lists, more & more will become apparent. The good, bad, functioning, unrealistic & everything else. Allow the changes in your daily & weekly to-do lists to evolve each month, & reflect the progress you've made & perhaps the goals you've revised.
Next Thursday, in our PJ Wellness Show podcast, we'll continue our look at goal-setting. Along with more information on each of the time-sensitive lists we've mentioned here, we'll also be exploring the longer-range Seasonal Reset, & of course-the Master Plan! Each builds on the previous. Each evolves as your lifestyle does. Each can help with the next phase of your goal-setting, so join us!
On January 1, we'll launch our "28 Day Challenge", just in time to rescue any damage the over-indulgent holidays have incurred. And, on February 13, once we've all exhaled & finished the Challenge, we'll be ready to kick off our digital course "28 Days To A Healthier You". Phew-Don't miss any of it!
Best for a healthy-happy New Year!
Patrick & Jo-Anna
TakeAway Tip: Bounce your ideas for any to-do list goals off someone you know & trust.
There's a good chance they'll have valuable feedback for you on the viability of your choices.
The extra details & clarity can only help!