It really doesn't matter if it's a decision to lose weight, or move to another country. The process is usually the same. It might seem overwhelming, but you can create a roadmap that simplifies everything so you can move forward more readily.
Most often, we find there aren't any right or wrong decisions, only acceptable or unacceptable costs & consequences. Once you begin to break it down into smaller segments, the decisions become clearer & less difficult to make.
Here are some tried & true tips to help your process: Black & white the elements that factor in to your choices. Get a notebook or whiteboard & write everything down. This is the easy part.
-First: the costs, literally & figuratively. That means evaluating time, money, effects on your entourage, convenience or difficulties-every logistical factor you know comes into play. Be honest & realistic.
-Second: the consequences. What happens if you do, or don't make the decision. Can you afford them in every sense? Emotionally, financially, physically? Try some role-playing with someone you trust, & run through a few of the different, possible scenarios to find a viable comfort zone.
-Third: this part is a bit harder to nail. Finding your why. Why would you want to stay? Why are you considering making changes? Again, break it down to ideas that are familiar to you. Will it make your family happier? Does money factor in or out of the equation? Is the work-from-home option, or the longer/shorter commute a factor in consideration? Will you be healthier in the long run? Which is more "affordable"? Maintaining the status quo or making the new decision?

-Fourth: don't forget about your dreams. Do the choices in each of your decision possibilities take into account your ambitions, dreams or long-range plans? They should always be a part of any decision, since discounting them eventually leads to an unhealthy-unhappy life! Look for decisions that incorporate your everyday needs today, with a dash of something that leans into your dreams for tomorrow.
Fifth: The expression "sounds like a plan" exists because a plan can provide a clearer path from where you are, to where you want to go. It provides logistical details to help you find your way. And, it provides courage & confidence, that you're not going it alone. You've created a roadmap that makes sense, & is attainable. Share it with everyone in your inner circle for support. Here's a helpful post we published with steps to keep your plan in play.
You're looking for the viable sweet spot between a realistic assessment of where you are, & the exciting & possibly rewarding state of affairs your new decision might bring. Once you've made your decision, reaffirm your commitment regularly, so you can stay motivated to keep moving in the new direction.The link is to a post we wrote about enjoying the process of setting an intention.
That might mean getting a Fitbit to monitar your fitness, if your decision was about your health. Or perhaps a new savings account to set aside the funds you'll need for this new project your decision-making has produced.
Whatever your decision is, make sure you give it the oxygen it needs to stay alive. You'll find comfort in the details & momentum in the committment, not to mention giving your decision the best chance of success, which is why you made it to begin with! Try creating a ritual to reaffirm your decision. They can provide great inspiration & they're pleasurable!
PS-Don't forget to tune in next Thursday to our PJ Wellness Show. As we do every week, we'll take a deeper look into all the elements in your decision-making process, so don't miss it! You can sign up here. And, check out our Living Well Community Facebook page, where you can find the blog/podcasts combos, so you can access everything on the topics we've covered at once!

Best, Patrick & Jo-Anna
TakeAway Tip: We really do believe there are no strictly right or wrong decisions. Life is all about change, & every choice we make can bring its' own lessons & rewards. It's all part of the process, so don't be afraid to jump in! We've got lots more to share. On goal-setting & how to turbo charge your goals, finding your why, harnessing your willpower, & setting yourself up to succeed. Just surf our site for those keywords-Enjoy!