The hectic pace of everyone's everyday often leaves no time for anything but obligations. It's a ditch we've all fallen into. And, we're here to encourage you to take some me-time, & take care of yourself. To perceive self-care as a must & not an option. Because we know if you don't, you'll not only hinder your own health & happiness, but most likely cause upending in your entourage too!
We have covered the elements of personal care often, & we'll continue, especially when we still have followers & clients who say they can't take time for themselves. We know it's a non-negotiable element in creating & sustaining a healthier-happier lifestyle.
So we keep looking for ways to help inspire you to do just that-take care of yourself!
Last Tuesday we launched or Good-For-You Sends. The first, I had designed for a client who just needed a few good tips to keep her week on track. This week, Patrick has designed a Personal Permission Slip to offer clients, so they remember to take a breather & include 45-60 minute of me-time, without the backlash or the guilt!
He said it's the number one frustration he encounters with clients, especially women with families.
Like much of what we have discovered & shared that works, this is just another small tip you can use to remind yourself to take care. Print it & keep it in your wallet, or post it on the fridge. And, let everyone in your immediate entourage know that you take it seriously, & they should too.
The last line is my favorite & you can share it with your loved ones as you're heading out for your me-time: Just tell them: "I'll be back soon-better than ever!"
And it's the truth. 45-60 minutes undisturbed. In your garden puttering. Journaling your thoughts & dreams. Using the Calm app to meditate a bit. Going for a walk with your dog. Quiet kitchen prep time with your favorite music playing in the background. The key is that being undisturbed is non-negotiable. Obviously, not if there's an emergency. But, otherwise-be gone!
We'll be sending out a brief video with a full-sized Personal Permission Slip on Tuesday, for our next Good-For-You Sends. We know that often, just a little something can ring a bell, & reset your intention for the moment. It's why we work so hard to discover, design & share all the easy, fun tips & tools you can use to keep living well everyday!
Speaking of living well, check out our new Facebook Group-The Living Well Community.
All our Sunday blog-Thursday podcasts combos have been posted in easily accessible links, so don't forget to hop onto facebook & join us!
We'll explore more about me-time: how to believe it's necessary, that you've earned it, how vital t is to health & happiness, ways to educate your entourage about the non-negotiable aspect & subsequent benefits, & lots more!
So tune in Thursday at 7pm wherever you get your podcasts. Or sign up here.
Best, Patrick & Jo-Anna
TakeAway Tip: There is a big difference between self-absorption & self-awareness.
Keep an eye out for when you might need some me-time.
You know when you're frazzled, so take at least 30 minutes to soothe yourself without feeling guilty!