We’ve been so wrapped up in building our awesome new course-“28 days To A Healthier You”, that we wanted a bit of a breather. It seems that we need breathers more often in these chaotic times, so we decided to share our thoughts on how changing your perspective about everyday activities can really make a difference.
Th first thing that came to mind is cooking! Patrick, with his 5 kids, & me with my constant travelling, honestly, we were never wowed about being in the kitchen. But, over time, we both discovered the magic of what cooking can do if you approach it as a rewarding activity instead of a dreaded chore.
As we always do, here’s a breakdown of what we discovered about the gifts that a cooking session can bring:
-Cooking buoys your sense of well-being, both mentally & physically. When you decide to tackle cooking something new, you open up your imagination, calm your breathing, & sharpen your focus. Right away-you reap immediate healthy benefits.
You’re engaged & enthusiastic as you make your way through the project. While you’re at it, you’ve let other worries drift away as you concentrate on your meal. Once you’ve completed it, you’re not only applauded as a generous hero, but you’ve taken your confidence & given it a booster shot!
-Cooking is a connection: To your family & friends, to the local farmer’s market, to discovering more fun family time, especially if everyone pitches in. It creates a sense of belonging. Helps develops the concept of teamwork in kids, creates awareness about healthier ways to prepare & eat foods, & gives you a sense of where you are in your world.
Being adventurous as you shop for what you’ll need will lead to all sorts of discoveries; exploring new spices, new products, new ideas & new people. Perhaps join a new local or online food group? Subscribe to a new cooking show? Cooking is a way to connect you to all sorts of good stuff that helps keep you grounded & enjoying your everyday life!

-There is a mindfulness to the legwork in any project. We often talk about enjoying the process & not perceiving it as a chore. Cooking is no exception. In fact, you can get completely lost in the sights, sounds & smells of what you’re doing.
It engages all your senses, your awareness of the moment, & an appreciation for being in your aroma-filled kitchen, preparing something fabulous for people you care about, & revelling in a sense that all’s well with your world at the moment. There’s no doubt that it has a cathartic affect on your day, both stimulating & soothing-what a treat!
We’ll explore all of this in depth on Thursday, in our PJ Wellness blog, so don’t forget to tune in!
Much of what we’ll dig deeper into-will be more of the intangible gifts that cooking offers:
-Developing coping skills, like a sense of being flexible enough to adapt-when you don’t have exactly what the recipe calls for. No panicking for you, you’ve found a viable substitute-check!
-Developing a respect for patience-when you simply can’t control everything. The sauce will simmer until it’s done, so enjoy a glass of wine & chill-check!
-Motivated to become a detective, & find that perfect gluten-free recipe for someone's recently acquired allergies, or a sugar-free cake for a diabetic friend-check!
-Being inspired by last-minute changes. Your spouse or your kids brought home some friends for dinner? You are calm as a cucumber, & have mastered the empty-the-fridge frittata for 8-check!
Taking everything in stride & enjoying every step of the way. Even for people like us who originally said-“uh-uh, I’m not really good in the kitchen”, cooking can change it all, & offer up so many gifts that make your everyday lifestyle healthier & happier!
Everyone in your world will be grateful that you cared enough to cook for them. And, even if your initial efforts could use some practice, it won’t matter when everyone sits down & says “thank you, this is awesome”!

Best, Patrick & Jo-Anna
TakeAway Tip: We're in the process of loading lots of new recipes to our website, inspired by this week's topic. Check them out in our Kitchen. Bon Appetit!