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Essential Kitchen III-Everything In One Pan

Fast-Fun-Easy & Delicious

September 20, 2020

Essential Kitchen III- Out of the fire & into just one pan!

Life is a run-away train sometimes, & that's why we look for fast, healthy, easy & delicious ways to feed you & your family. Our One-Pan Recipes are the fastest-growing, & most asked-for collection of food ideas so far, & we know it's a trend that will continue! By the way, that also includes sheet-pan recipes. Same idea, different layout. We'll be delving into all of this in greater detail on Thursday at 7PM, during our PJ Wellness Show, so stay tuned!

It's true for most people, including Patrick & me, that we either don't have the time, the talent or the passion for kitchen duties. But, it's absolutely vital to cook something, some time, if you want to get & stay healthy. Not to mention how much more cost-effective it is to cook & eat your meals at home. And then, there's the convivial bonus of being together in your kitchen or dining area, smelling the delicious aromas wafting about, & catching up on conversations with family & friends!

Patrick loves gadgets. In fact, our next & finall Kitchen Essential IV, will be all about gadgets. His recipes tend to include all sorts of cool utensils, appliances & tools that make working on your kitchen a breezier adventure. You can find many of them in Our Shop.

Me? I'm a fan of the fastest, easiest way in & out of the kitchen. But, after years of living abroad, I can't & won't sacrifice taste for ease! My favorite cuisine is Mediterranean, so I look for recipes that include some sort of take on French, Italian, Spanish & Greek favorites. Luckily, there are plenty!

Check out our One-Pan Lemon Chicken, especially if you're watching your weight. It marries great taste with a fast & healthy turn in the kitchen. I also love the ritual of tasting, so I'm always looking for tapas, or small bites of foods I crave. To stay at an optimum weight, while satifying your palate, try eating smaller appetizers, called that for a reason, instead of entrées all the time. Women are well-known for getting together & ordering scads of sides & starters instead of big heavy dinners. We know it works! Here are some ideas for delicious sides & starters-Enjoy!

Speaking of pans, when I was on the road, I couldn't haul everything with me, so I surfed for a one-pan-does-it-all, & found it! This is Avacraft's 11" Stainless Steel Everyday Pan. I use it to stir-fry, to sauté, for stews & crepes, & as a skillet & grill for chicken, fish or steak. It is the most convenient & versatile pan I've ever owned. I even did a mini-video for it to thank the owner of the company who'd sent me a lovely thank-you note.

You can find more details on this amazing one-pan solution, both in the online description, & my video. PS-I also love supporting women-owned businesses as a bonus, & the Avacraft selection is terrific!

Happy Sunday! We hope we've whet your appetite & inspired you to be thinking about a great Sunday night One-Pan recipe for dinner!

Be sure to sign up to listen to our Thursday podcast for more on everything you need to know about One-Pan favorites, & what they can do for you & yours.

We learn something new & cool every day!

If you've got a One-Pan Recipe you'd like us to feature, just email us!
Best for a safe & healthy 2020,

Best, Patrick & Jo-Anna

TakeAway Tip: Making a great sauce doesn't have to be complicated. You can cheat by melting down a delicious Boursin cheese & adding white wine & olive oil for an amazing faux-Alfredo sauce. Or, try buying fresh, organic bruschetta to toss with olive oil & garlic for a healthy, fresh Marinara!