The expression "How
are you" is so common that no one really gives a detailed answer anymore. A quick "I'm fine" has become the norm, along with an equally automatic "how are you"?
From time to time we all need to really check in on how we are, especially in these last few years, when everyone is swimming in upheaval & constant changes.
When we first launched our collaboration, we knew that the topic was vitally important. It was one of the first posts we did. Click on the link for the ideas & tips we covered in "Mind-Notes". It's what we call an evergreen post, that will serve you anytime you need a refresher!
We know how important your mental state is to your ability to live a healthy-happy life.So, it's a topic we revisit, so you can add it to your back-up for checking in on how you really are from time to time.
We also like to explore complimentary topics, like how what you eat & drink can affect your moods.Take a look at our post on Mood Foods, for ideas that can really make a difference every day. It's absolutely true that you are what you eat & drink, so getting an update on what can help or hinder your ability to remain upbeat will be a big help.
If you don't currently have a strategy for keeping your mental state on an even keel, now's a great time to set something up. The fall is fast approaching, & more changes are on the way, so we thought we'd walk through some simple ideas that can help everyone stay relatively level-headed as we move into the new season.
1.) Do your homework. That means be honest about your situation & possibilities, research the options that might be available & what they would entail, & commit to putting your changes into play.

2.) Make a plan. Of course it needs to be flexible, but with a plan, you won't get so stressed out when things start to run away from you.You can't control everything, but you have a hand in more than you think if you have the back-up from your plan.Chores, important events, & regular activities can all be factored in & still leave some room for last-minute changes.
3.) Have a support system & use it. It might be a group of friends that meet for coffee, a community group that gets together for a common cause, a religious or educational organization, or a counselor or therapist. Just make yourself a promise not to let these activities get swept away in the furor, & you'll find they keep you grounded & looking at things in a more realistic lens.
4.) Speaking of being grounded, remember to give yourself a breather-literally. Get outside & interact with nature. It promotes deep breathing, perspective, appreciation & gratitude. It also helps your heart, blood pressure, & mood ,& has proven to ultimately help you regain a sense of calm.
Here's an informative post we did on Grounding that can give you some practical ideas.
5.) Don't be afraid to reach out for help! Everyone needs a hand at some point, & there's more information, resources & people available to help than ever before. It;s a trend that will only increase in these times, so join in!
We'll be digging into all of this in our podcast, the PJ Wellness Show, so tune in wherever you get your podcasts. You can
And, if you need ideas on where to start, just email us at We've got lots of tips & tools to get you going on your healthier-happier game plan!

Best, Patrick & Jo-Anna
TakeAway Tip
We know every day life can be overwhelming. That's why we motivate people to find a simple way to remind themselves to breath,focus & exhale,knowing you'll find a way. A journal,a bracelet, a candle-anything that can trigger you to stop & relax!!