Now that we’ve finished our SCRY For Success series, we’re heading back to refresh one of our most foundational basics-Our 5 Pillars. In case you missed any of the SCRY series, you can access all 4, both blog & podcast, on our Living Well Community Facebook page. Just click here.
Patrick & I have collected ideas & information on many Lifestyle topics, & we kept coming back to elements of the number 5. We did a bit of research on the meaning of 5, & it’s perfect for what we believe & want to share when it comes to simple steps to a Living Well Lifestyle!
In many cultures & throughout many societies, blessings of Health-Wealth-Luck-Life, & Peace, are the recurring meanings associated with the number 5. Let’s take a look at how we interpreted them for ease & inspiration each day.
Our 1st Pillar: Nurture Your Body. If you are not fit & healthy, you won't have the vitality to do everything you want for yourself & those you love. Take time & invest in your well-being.
2nd Pillar: Replenish Your Spirit. Meditate, be mindful, pray, practice gratitude, or yoga. Whatever centers you, encourages deep breathing, & connects you to a higher power will replenish you.

3rd Pillar: Your Surroundings Matter-Create the space & the universe will respond. Ambiance plays more of a role in everything. Wine, candles, colors & nature all help create an inspirational atmosphere.
4th Pillar: Build A Spiritually Social Network. What you affirm really does come back tenfold. Project positivity in your everyday connections & you’ll have perspective, empowerment & a sense of belonging.
Our 5th Pillar: Plan Your Dreams. Everyone needs a dream, & working to achieve your plans creates fulfillment. Map out your plans, & check in seasonally to refresh & update, so you can stay motivated, & moving toward your goals.
You can click here for a full-sized printable copy you can keep for easy reference.
Join us as we delve even deeper into each of our 5 Pillars in next week's PJ Wellness Show. You can sign up here for it to be delivered to your inbox, so you won't miss a thing!

Best, Patrick & Jo-Anna
TakeAway Tip: It's really easier than you imagine to start making simple changes that can transform your every day life into a healthier-happier version. Just pick one small something you know you can handle, & commit to it a few times a week.When you do, you'll find you're motivated to do even more. Just take the first step.