How often do each of us wake up & say-"today's the day to begin changing, so I can live a healthier-happier life"? We'll bet you've done it as often as we have. You're gung-ho & excited, really motivated...& then everyday life gets in the way, & your healthy plans grind to a halt. Sound familiar?
Trying to find ways to implement change, & stay on track is a challenge for everyone. Most often, we simply pile up too many huge changes we can't possibly handle all at once. As with most everything we suggest, we believe the key is taking those seemingly small, sitcky steps that will eventually become second nature, & slowly move you towards your goals. But it's often painstaking, & we always want results yesterday. So begins the cycle of setting ourselves up to fail, & sabotaging our efforts. The depressing cycle of rinse & repeat.
We have spent lots of time trying out systems & plans, crafting tips & reinforcing the idea that a simple change can really make a difference. And, before you know it, your one simple change becomes a collection of simple changes, & voila-you are winning the challenge of transitioning to a healthier-happier life! No overwhelming complicated instructions, nothing so detailed you're swimming in the confusion of what to do first. Easy does it will have a greater impact.
Reframe the way you see your everyday lifestyle, & just look for something simple to try & reset. That's how we came up with the "Take It Up A Notch" TakeAway TipSheets. We wanted to inspire people to find easy, fun & pleasurable ways to make everything just a little bit better. With each idea or item, you can take your healthy living up a notch. Nothing dramatic or intimidating, just small steps towards your goals. Here's our offering for this fall season:

You can print this & put it on your fridge, or the bulletin board in your home office, just to give you some ideas. Everything on our list is really easy & simple to put into play, & effective in making your everyday healthier & happier. But what we really want, is that you start adding the ideas, items & plans that are unique to your own everyday lifestyle, so you can see how easy it is to make small changes that can have lasting healthy results!
Before you know it, you'll be confident enough to use the idea of small transitional changes in more & more parts of your life. Little by little-you'll inch closer to that healthier-happier life you kept trying to have.
Once you've gotten comfy with your new creative flexibility. we'd love to hear what you've done with your own Take It Up A Notch lifestyle gig, so email us at & let us know.
We'll be adding all of these cool ways to bridge the transition to a healthier-happier lifestyle in our new year's course: "28 Days To A Healthier You". If you'd like to sign up for the specially lower price before the year's end, get in touch!

Best, Patrick & Jo-Anna
TakeAway Tip: It's natural to over-do when we're enthusiastic about anything, so keep that in mind as you tackle transitional changes. Simple & small is the best way to go.
You can always build on your success!
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10 Easy Steps To Lifestyle Transitions
So you can start Living Well-Beyond Your Scale Today!