In anticipation of launching our New Year’s Course- "28 Days To A Healthier You", we’re kicking off some of the ideas we'll be promoting, & how they’ll help in transitioning you to the healthiest-happiest lifestyle you’ve ever enjoyed!
Alliteration, using a collection of words that all begin with the same letter, can be a powerful motivator. We’ve taken advantage of this simple tool to present the ideas we’ll be working with foundationally, to help you transition to a healthier-happier lifestyle.
The power of our collection of Ps begins with our 5 Pillars. Patrick & I put together the ideas we know are most vital in successfully making the changes needed to live your healthiest-happiest life ever. That's why we created Beyond Your Scale.
Nurture Your Body, Replenish Your Spirit, Your Surroundings Matter,
Build A Spiritually Social Network, & Plan Your Dreams.
Everything begins with our foundation.
From there, we’re breaking down the ideas further, into easy, memorable concepts that remind us why we want to change, how we can make the changes, what we can use to stay motivated, & the importance of keeping everything refreshed & rewarded.
Today, we’ll tackle the importance of Positivity. Like the little train that repeats, “I think I can”, you really can be your own self-fulfilling prophecy. An affirmation that embodies your commitment & belief that you will succeed!
Everything we've learned about creating Positivity & the power it has to Change Your Life, will be part of our digital course for beginning the new year on the right note with
"28 Days To A Healthier You".
If you'd like to sign up & take advantage of our special pricing only available for a brief period before we launch, please email us, so we can include you!

Positivity, or the lack of, is everywhere, in everything & everyone. So, it’s up to you to take a really good look at the the people, the places, & the plans you live with, so you can take everything into consideration, & up a notch to help you succeed.
Some things to consider: Do you have the commitment to a positive mindset? Creating it might entail, exercise, meditation or some other form of mindfulness, & an appreciation of the process.
Do you have a supportive, positive network? That might require taking a hard look at negative people, who could sabotage your positive efforts, or counter-productive habits with people that derail your better angels.
Do you have the space you need in your life to create a positive vibe? That might require more time for yourself, or a new area in your home to work out, or work on your projects.
Do you have a detailed plan on how to get where you want to go? This might be just a list you refer to daily, a program you are devoted to that helps keep you on track, or a timely, realistic breakdown of how to achieve your goals.
The level of, & commitment to maintaining a positive atmosphere in your mind & your surroundings will play as important a role in a healthier-happier life as taking care of your body will.
Start with affirming your positivity, in every aspect of your everyday life.
It will make the transition so much easier!
By the way, we’ll be exploring in depth, all of the positivity possibilities mentioned here in our PJ Wellness Show podcast on Thursday at 7 PM, so don’t forget to tune in.
You can sign up here.

Best, Patrick & Jo-Anna
TakeAway Tip-Create an "alarm" for when you slip back into negativity. It might be a string around your wrist you can touch to pull you back, a great quote or beautiful picture you can refer to for motivation, or calling someone supportive in your network.
Have a plan to rewire your thoughts when they get in the way of staying positive!
Here are some Positivity Tips that can help!