Creating the positive energy you need to live your healthiest-happiest life possible is just like a 3-legged stool. Each leg is vitally important, & each is balanced & supported by the other 2. It's the perfect imagery to visualize as you build the positive energy you need in your every day life to pursue & achieve your healthier-happier lifestyle goals.
The first leg of the stool is always you. Your mindset. Your level of committment. Your chosen values & goals.This is where to begin, so you can design a unique & effective game plan that takes in to account the reality of what you think & feel, how much time, energy & resources you're willing to commit, & being sure you have based your decision on the values & goals that truly represent you, & not someone else's version of you.
We covered quite a bit about the power of positivity here & identifying your values & goals here. It's a huge subject, along with thinking about setting goals & how to achieve them, & it's a theme we come back to often, that will be featured in our 28 Days To A Healthier You Course.
It's all part of the plan!
Next-Your surroundings. Ambiance matters, & can greatly help or hinder even a great game plan. An example? You've decided to mediate every afternoon for 20 minutes. But, the area you've chosen is full of clutter & hasn't been cleaned in quite some time. When you enter the room, your excitement about beginning your new, healthy routine deflates immediately-distracted by all the dust & junk laying around.
Before you begin anything new-designate a special area, & create a space worthy of your goal. Paint a corner sea blue to meditate. Add a gorgeous plant & a scented candle or diffuser with essential oils. You'll find yourself inspired to jumpstart your new routine with enthusiasm & energy. Here's a color chart to inspire your goal, & our essential oil chart, to power up your intentions!
The third leg of the stool is your entourage. The people in your every day life affect your behavior. It's nearly impossible to set a healthy plan in motion if you've got people around you who sabotage, even unconsciously, your efforts to make changes & stick to them.
Don't be shy. It's a question of your well-being, so make sure you let everyone know that you've committed to this new, healthier-happier way of living well. You'll find some surprises, for sure. Some will be uninterested, others might decide to join you! Either way, you'll know whose reliable & who to distance yourself from, & you'll have a greater chance of succeeding. And it often happens that people will gravitate toward someone who might show them the way, so you can be the expert & pick up some new kindred company who wants to get healthier & happier too!
Helping others not only confirms who you are & what you can do, it helps you as well. Appreciation, gratitude, & confidence abound in this back & forth interaction, so include it in your game plan. That way, you'll create a healthier-happier living well cycle that reinforces all the good stuff you've learned & shared, so you & your entourage can continually reap the benefits!
Best, Patrick & Jo-Anna
TakeAway Tip-Try using a mini-mantra to reaffirm your goal to yourself & others.
An example? A simple "I get healthier every day"! Repeat it every morning & each night before bed.