Happy Valentine's Day! What better way to champion love in your life, than dreaming big about taking care of yourself & everyone you care about? There's no better way to say I love you than taking care to ensure everyone in your realm can live the healthiest-happiest life possible!
Here, we'll review the ideas in the 4th module of our digital course: "28 Days To A Healthier You". We tackle the challenges you'll face as you try to transition to a lifestyle you can sustain to stay healthy & happy. We'll really drill down on the details in our PJ Wellness podcast next Thursday, so don't miss out! Sign up here & we'll deliver everything to your inbox & include our free "10 Easy Steps To Lifestyle Transitions" to jumpstart your jouney!
The most important concept? The Golden Rule of Change. It's all about how to successfully change old habits & create new ones that stick! It states: the most effective way to shift a habit is to pinpoint & retain the old cue and reward, but change the routine.
Simply put: Your goal was awesome, & you set up the right cue & reward system. But, the routine you used didn't work. Anther way to look at it? Einstein's wise words about insanity being trying the same thing again & again & expecting different results!
Mixing it up to generate better results is an ongoing process that requires you to keep on innovating, to stay inspired & motivated, & get where you want to go! Different approches, new ideas & products, changing times & places-all a part of creating the unique collection you'll need for a personalized plan that will create the living well lifestyle you want.

We offered up a few interesting & easy tips on habits & how to create ,change or kickstart them in last Thursday's podcast, Living A HealthyLifestyle, including information on the 21/90 rule that helps make habits a programmable part of your responses, so check it out if you missed it! This week, we'll also delve into the habit loop, & how it can make or break your new healthy goals.
Of course we always add a note to two about how important your environment is. Whether it's the sabotaging or support of your environment psychologically, or the physical space you've have or need to designated to make your routines more enticing & your goals more successful, your environment really matters! Here are a few ideas we've discovered in previous posts, & of course, your surroundings are a stellar part of our 5 Simple Pillars!
Another idea that needs to be considered & reconsidered regularly? No one & nothing is perfect! Aim to find that sweet spot that keeps you challenged & productive, but not overwhelmed & disappointed. There will be triumphs & let-downs, but don't let them define your journey.
Just keep tweaking, committed to taking a sticky step or two whenever you can. A notch here, a notch there, it'll all add up to a healthier-happier you, so keep at it!
It's a process, not a one-shot win or lose equation, so don't be afraid to integrate your less-than-perfect life into living well everyday.
Dream big, for sure...but be kind to yourself & give yourself a fighting chance by starting small.
Build your confidence little by little. It'll rev you up to do more & more.

Best, Patrick & Jo-Anna
TakeAway Tip: Take a moment & surf through our TakeAway TipSheets. We've amassed quite a collection, & there's sure to be something you'll want to print & keep handy to help!