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Takeaway Tips & Resources
No Matter Where You Are On Your Journey To A Healthier Life-The Right Tools Can Help!
- We can save you lots of time each week by providing you with the tips, tools & plans you need to streamline your transitions to a healthier lifestyle. Less stress gives you more time to do what you love.
- We get it-we don't really love to cook either. But if you want to eat well, you have to step into the kitchen sometime. We have recipes, products & meal plans to help make it faster & more fun. Cooking at home helps people make healthier choices and save money.
- The secret to living well together for a lifetime is transitioning your everyday habits from unhealthy to better choices. This can be as easy as making a simple change in your diet or exercise routines, learning to manage boredom & stress, & revisiting from time to time to keep everything fresh & on track. Make it a lifelong journey with rich rewards, & commit to living well together!
- Every Week We Give Away Health & Fitness Tips-Ideas To Help Transition Your Lifestyle & Helpful How-To Plans From
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The trick is knowing what tools will work best, no matter where you are on your health & happiness journey.
Our Commitment-We Check Out The Best Way To Go First-So You Don't Have Too!
We experiment with what works and what doesn’t, & check out the most effective tools & products out there.
Then we put them together for you, so you can jumpstart your healthy plans, & create a life you'll absolutely love.
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Many of these links are affiliate links, which means we may get a commission if you purchase.
However, none of the fees of these resources have been increased to compensate us.
In fact, we will always try to get special discounts that we then get to extend to you!
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Change The Way You Think About A Healthier Lifestyle
We've done a lot of research. Tried the diets & meal plans, revised the timelines, found the best products & tested all the tips & tools. We've got what you need. Everything is tailored to help you get started on healthy Lifestyle Transitions asap!
Happy Scale
Dieting is hard enough. But when you work hard, hop on the scale, & see a number that's higher than yesterday? Well, that's just not fair! Happy Scale smooths out your daily weigh-ins & makes insightful predictions about when you'll hit your goals.
Join the hundreds of thousands of users who use the Happy Scale app to tame the scale!The Skinny On Eating Smart
Do you try your best to eat healthy but find that it’s just too difficult? The smart way? Choices you can make to actually eat your way to better health. Unlike many diet books, this healthy-eating quick read is perfect for those of you trying to develop a clean eating lifestyle. Eating right isn't complicated, & this 9 page handout will teach you the basics of good nutrition in under 25 minutes!
Much More Than Lower Blood Pressure
These tips go much farther than just better blood pressure. With these healthy transitions, you'll be amazed at how much more energy you'll have. From drinking hibiscus tea, to no longer using processed salt, you'll keep your blood pressure in check, & jumpstart your metabolism. Added bonus? More energy, & better sleep. Check this chart for simple changes to improve your health!
Quick Fast Diet
The diet industry no longer debates the benefits of intermittent fasting. It speeds up fat loss. No matter what else you do, intermittent fasting depends on when you eat, not what you eat. What methods of fasting there are, how weight loss works with intermittent fasting, & what the benefits & precautions are, learn about it all right here!
Fav Tools That Help
We've Done All The Research For You
Patrick & Jo-Anna tackle Health & Wellness from different angles. He loves the stats & the plans. She loves making everything in her surroundings as indulgent as possible.
They chat every day in an enthusiastic exchange about what they've read, discovered, researched, tested & fallen in love with.
All with a passion for sharing what they find with people to improve their everyday lives.
Lifestyle Transitions & Living Well Together aren't just their taglines.
It's how they both view their desire to find & share everything possible to help people make healthier choices that will create happier lives.
Everyone wants to live a healthier, happier life.
Let's start with something easy.
10 Simple Tools For Healthy Living
Designed especially to help you jumpstart your commitment to Living Well Together!
10 Simple Tools For Healthy Living
Have you felt like you’ve been stuck in a rut with your health? Maybe you’ve got your workout game down, but healthy eating remains to be a mystery. We’ve most definitely been there. In fact, Health is more than physical fitness, a healthy diet, or the absence of disease. Real health is also mental, emotional, and even spiritual. It’s being a whole human being.
"I’ve spent many years of my life battling the numbers on the scale", says Patrick. "I went from being a youth athlete and an active young adult to gaining well over 50 pounds in the span of a decade. It’s not easy to come back from that. In fact, losing all of that weight was a long process and probably one of the toughest things I’ve ever done in my life".
But here’s the good news! It can be done! When you have these Tools for Healthy Living in your pocket and have the right support system in place, you can live a healthier life, crush those weight loss goals and create a life living well together. Here are some of the tools we use and love, and hopefully will bring you success as well.
Tools For Healthy Living: Start Tracking What You Eat – Asap!
The single biggest thing you can do to eat healthy, whether you want to lose weight or not, is to track what you eat. Having a way to track what you’re eating is a great way to be more mindful of your health. Specifically, journaling is an excellent way to not only be more conscious of what you’re putting into your body, but it also forces you to confront the choices you’re making with food every day.
If you are honest with yourself and begin writing everything that you consume, it will quickly become obvious where your downfalls lie. Recording exactly what you eat, along with the amount/portion size is a good way to understand where you could use some help, and how you can make better choices in the future. It’s also a good way to see the areas that you are doing well, which is just as important.
If You’re A Pen & Paper Person
- One of our favorite planners is the Daily Greatness 90-Day Wellness Journal. Not only is it beautifully designed, there are also areas for meal planning, goal setting & checking in with your progress. Purchase the Daily Greatness 90-Day Wellness Journal here.
- Healthy thinking habits create healthy behaviors and your behavior determines your success. What, then, is more important than thinking positively, setting goals, taking action, and staying focused? The Dailygreatness Training Journal: 12 Weeks to a Rocking Fit Body and Mind combines a goal planner, a 12-week fitness plan, a food and exercise journal, and daily tools for self-mastery. Designed to be used alongside your training sessions, it is your very own personal coach, that keeps you accountable and on track.
- We also like the Erin Condren Petite Planner Meal Planner. It’s great for planning out your week of meals and includes a shopping list and an area for meal prep strategy. Small enough to fit in your purse or gym bag for easy reference while grocery shopping.
If You’re More Inclined To Use Your Phone - These Apps Are Great!
- MyFitnessPal is a great app to install on your phone. It’s very user friendly and offers a way to calculate nutrition, view your macros, & the nutrients you’re consuming. We even use this app often to calculate nutrition for our recipes, for example, how many carbs, grams of fat, grams of protein, etc... per serving. As the name implies it also keeps track of your activities and fitness workouts to go along with your nutritional goals. There are both free and premium (paid) versions of this app available.
- StepsApp turns your phone into a simple and beautiful step counter. Just put your phone in your pocket and off you go. StepsApp's beautiful and easy to understand design language makes tracking your activities more enjoyable than ever. Over the years we have learned that tracking your steps makes a huge difference in your routine. It’s one of the most effective ways to ensure that you’re getting enough physical activity each day. Countless research has shown that measurable benchmarks in fitness and health can help improve outcomes.
- Nutrients - Nutrition Facts We personally, have learned an incredible amount about nutrition, how we view food, and how to manage all the information that goes along with healthier eating through this great app. This is a paid app, but Nutrients is nutrition at your fingertips!.
How much sugar is in an apple? How much potassium is in a banana? Discover nutrition facts on tens of thousands of foods complete from vitamins to amino acids, and even compounds like caffeine. Nutrients works completely offline with no internet required!
One favorite feature is the ability to enter your recipes and get an instant nutritional breakdown to go along with your nutrition endeavors. We highly recommend it! - Nutrition Facts One deficiency as of this writing is lack of availability on Android. So here is our recommendation for Android Users. Even better, this version is free and just as easy to use and detailed.
Tools For Healthy Living: Meal Prep Containers
Setting aside some time to meal prep every week is a very smart move. It saves you time, money, keeps them organized, and on track to reach their health goals. It certainly has worked for us.
Jump-start your meal planning today!
Getting organized for a Meal Prep Sunday can be half the battle. Meal prep containers not only help your refrigerator stay organized, they help encourage you to plan ahead with pre-planned portions of healthy meals. One of the most important things to take into consideration is not only how to prep but also how to store all your mouth-watering meals and snacks!
The last thing you want is for the meal to dry out, or spill all over your purse on your way to work. To save you from the heartache, we've rounded up the top 10 meal prep tools and containers that will make your next Meal Prep Sunday an absolute breeze.
We love these Prep Naturals Glass Meal Prep Containers. They are oven, microwave, dishwasher, and freezer safe, and come in a variety of sizes. Here are a couple of sizes that we own and use regularly:
For more of the best Container for Storing and Transporting Food, according to Experts, click the link below.
Tools for Healthy Living: Kitchen Tools & Appliances
There are a few tools and small appliances that every kitchen should have. These items help streamline the cooking process, help save valuable time in the kitchen, therefore making life a whole lot easier! Regardless of the size of your kitchen - If you can only fit five small electric appliances in your kitchen, choose these five.
1. A Food Processor
This is the one tool that can do so many things in the kitchen. A larger 12-cup or more capacity is really handy if you have a family to feed, or you like to double or triple whatever recipe you’re working on. But don’t discount how much you can do with a mini-prep food processor! For small jobs, I only use a three-cup food processor. It gets the job done, quickly!
Our Picks:
- Cuisinart Elite Collection 12-Cup Food Processor
- Cuisinart Mini-Prep Plus Food Processor
- Breville BSB530XL the All In One Processing Station
2. A Blender
A blender of some kind is an incredibly useful tool to have in the kitchen. But there’s a great debate over whether you need a countertop blender, or if you can get by with an immersion blender.
If you go the countertop route, it’s probably worth it to upgrade to a high-end model for the sheer power and versatility. But if you’re low on space and need a reliable, multi-functioning tool that’ll whip or purée with ease, an immersion blender is the way to go.
Our Picks:
- Vitamix 5200 Blender Professional-Grade
- Ninja BL 480D Nutri 1000
- Breville BSB510XL Control Grip Immersion Blender
- Immersion Hand Blender, Utalent 5-in-18-speed Stick Blender (less $$ than Breville)
- Cuisinart Smart Stick 5-Speed Immersion Blender
3. An Electric MixerThere are two options for an electric mixer: a stand mixer or a hand mixer. If you bake a lot, you should probably get a stand mixer. It’s the number-one recommended kitchen splurge for avid bakers, according to our readers. In short, it will make your life easier.
If you’re not a big baker, most home cooks do fine with just a hand mixer for the occasional mixing task — beating egg whites, making whipped cream, or getting a smooth cake batter.
Our Picks:
4. A Pressure Cooker (Instant Pot)Yes! We have fully converted to the cult of the pressure cooker, so much so that we think it deserves a spot in every kitchen. It beats out the slow cooker in our view, especially if you’re tight on space. Then again, if you want the best of both worlds, get the Instant Pot! It totally lives up to the hype.Our Picks:5. An Electric KettleAn electric kettle is one of those deceptively essential small appliances; you don’t think it’s necessary until you have one, and then you realize you use it all the time, possibly more than any other single small appliance in your kitchen. It’s more energy-efficient than boiling water on the stove, and 10 times as fast. If you drink a fair amount of coffee or tea or boil water for any other reason, it’s a game-changer. Jo-Anna and I agree, “an electric kettle is a wonderful thing.”
Our Picks:- Cuisinart CPK-17 PerfTemp 1.7L
- Breville BKE820XLVariable-Temperature 1.8L
- Bella 1.2L Ceramic Electric Tea Kettle
So, there you have it — our picks for the five essential small appliances that should be in every kitchen. Ok, since there are many recipes for slow cookers...The Cuisinart 3-in-1 Slow Cooker is a workhorse in any kitchen. It’s a huge time-saver and a fantastic tool for meal prep!
Here are a few of the recipes that we love making in a slow cooker:
Tools for Healthy Living: A Practical, Useful Grocery List
When it comes to grocery shopping, do you walk into the store with a prepared list? Honestly, if we don’t have a list ready to go, we feel utterly lost. Walking into the grocery store with a list is like arming yourself with a map designed to save you huge amounts of time in a place that is designed to suck you in with all of its glorious foods and aromas.
...and also a good idea if you want to spend less time in the grocery store for good reasons!
There are a few different options you can choose when it comes to grocery lists: paper, or electronic. If you're more of a pen to paper person, a paper list that is attached to your refrigerator at all times works well. Anyone can add something to the grocery list, and once you're ready to go to the store, the list is already prepared. An electronic list is also super helpful. There are several available that can be easily navigated from your phone-no more lost or forgotten lists! These apps can be easily shared between family members and help save huge amounts of time when it comes to grocery shopping. Here are a few we like:
Paper List:
Get our Grocery List (5×8). It’s printable and categorized by grocery store section to help keep you on task, minimize impulse purchases, and avoid the unhealthy items that you know shouldn’t be going into your cart. Remember: It’s much easier to avoid those tempting, unhealthy foods when they are NOT in your house or on your list. So don’t buy them!
Apps For Your Phone:
Both of these apps below are fantastic, easy to use & highly rated among its' users. These are also shareable between family members.
- Grocery Pal Available on both iOS and Android
- Out of Milk -Available on both iOS and Android
Tools For Healthy Living: The Protein Smoothie Bible
The Protein Smoothie Bible offers quick, simple & incredibly healthy breakfast, lunch & snack ideas. These smoothie recipes were designed to include real ingredients that are accessible to everyone. Every recipe takes no more than 5 minutes to make!
There are over 60 smoothie recipes including, breakfast ideas, fruit & veggie smoothies, meal replacement options, post-workout recovery smoothies, dessert alternatives & even smoothies your kids will love!
Get The Protein Smoothie Bible here!
Read our blog about smoothies and check out our recipes in the kitchen section or download these delicious, quick, and healthy smoothie recipes. Enjoy!
Healthy Products
Helping You Stay Motivated & On Track
Withings Digital Body Weight Scale
First thing's first: Get a scale! It'll show you where your journey began and help you on the way, according to a Cornell University study. Researchers found that people who weigh themselves daily and track the results are more likely to lose weight and keep it off than those who check in less often. The method "forces you to be aware of the connection between your eating and your weight," senior author David Levitsky said in a press statement. "We think the scale also acts as a priming mechanism, making you conscious of food and enabling you to make choices that are consistent with your weight." For more ways to be and stay healthy, check out these 100 Best Ever Health Tips.
Insulated Water Bottle
Hydro Flask Water Bottle 32 oz
Staying hydrated can help you fill up, fend off false feelings of hunger, keeps your metabolism humming, reduces bloat, and saves you hundreds of calories when you choose it over other sugary drinks. The easiest way to ensure you're getting enough water is by always carrying a water bottle with you. Your best bet is an insulated bottle like Hydro Flask's that can keep your drinks cool for hours while you go about your day.
Food Journal
Moleskine Classic Notebook
We're not saying you have to count calories and record your food intake religiously, but keeping track of what you put in your body may help you realize where unnecessary calories are coming from and make it easy to see what you can cut out. Plus, having to document that you ate a donut makes you less likely to go for it, now doesn't it? In the first days of your diet, record in your journal how certain foods make you feel. Do you feel bloated after eating grains? Constantly feel congested after a scoop of ice cream? These might be signs of food intolerance or allergy, which could be contributing to extra inflammation, a weakened immune system, and weight gain. Learn to listen to your body or let us know how we can help.
Alarm Clock
PEAKEEP Smart Night Light Digital Alarm Clock with Indoor Temperature
Time to rise and shine! Research shows dieters who stick to the same sleep-wake cycles are more rested and less apt to have their diets undermined by exhaustion-induced munchies. In fact, some studies have found that sleep-deprived people consume about 300 more calories a day than their well-rested counterparts. Yikes! Counteract that by setting an alarm clock for the same time each day, even on weekends or days off. And yes, blue-light-emitting phones that disrupt sleep hormone production don't count. We like this model by PEAKEEP because it also lets you know the temperature in your room! Make sure it's around 66 degrees to help subtly enhance the effectiveness of our stores of belly-fat-burning brown fat—it's just one of the Things You Must Do For A Flat Belly.
Meal Prep Containers
Meal Prep Haven Bento Lunch Boxes
Weekly meal planning can ensure you gain control of your overall food intake. The most successful dieters work with a rotation of just a few go-to meals and snacks—because when your tummy is rumbling, spontaneously figuring out what you should eat typically ends with grabbing the closest item you can grab (healthy or not). Prep your meals and snacks in advance on Sunday and store in these portable, compartmentalized, portion-control containers so you can always have ready-to-eat healthy foods with you. Get started with a Meal Plan for a Healthy Week. (We even reuse leftovers!)
Probiotic Supplements
!MD Complete Probiotics Platinum with Prebiotic Fiber
What are Probiotics?
Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for you, especially your digestive system. We usually think of these as germs that cause diseases. But your body is full of bacteria, both good and bad. Probiotics are often called "good" or "helpful" bacteria because they help keep your gut healthy. You can find probiotics in some foods, like yogurt, or supplements,. Doctors often suggest them to help with digestive problems.
1MD's Complete Probiotics Platinum is a popular daily probiotic. It is one of the best formulas on the market, due to its 51 billion live cultures, 11 robust and clinically studied strains, NutraFlora prebiotic fiber, vegan capsule composition, and no synthetic fillers or additives.
This was the only product we could find that has been endorsed by an MD, specifically a Gastroenterologist (gut and digestive health physician). It was also the only one that listed each of its clinically studied substrains. We absolutely love this probiotic blend.
Chopping Board
Epicurean Non-Slip Cutting Board
Successful healthy eating starts at home. And that means it's time to get cookin'! Start with the basics and stock up on cutting boards. For raw meats, we're fans of Epicurean's Composite Cutting Boards as it can be dish-washed often. Not only do they keep bacteria out, but they're also made from recycled milk jugs—so they're eco-friendly, too! As for your fruits and veggies, go with a set of bamboo cutting boards like those from Totally Bamboo. The soft material is easy on your knives, and because the plant is fast-growing, also eco-friendly! Pick one up and then get cookin' with one of our recipes. Also, check out the bamboo starter set below.
Chef's Knife
Shun Sora Chef's Knife 8 in
Speaking of knives, be sure you have a good one! With all that chopping of fresh fruits and veggies, you're about to do, you'll be happy you have a knife as good as Shun's. It's the must-have knife for your kitchen and quite frankly the only one you'll need.
Oil Spritzer
Misto Brush Oil Sprayer
Although there are a number of healthy oils we love, the key to using any oil is moderation—especially since a tablespoon is around 120 calories. A Misto makes it easy to spritz an entire dish without overdoing it.
Travel Mug
Contigo Autoseal Travel Mug 20oz
We know you rely on your java on a daily basis, but dessert-like coffee creations have no place in your get-slim program. These frankencoffees can contain as much as 600 calories and 88 grams of sugar when you order a large size—Starbucks S'mores Frappuccino, we're looking at you. Save yourself the empty calories without losing out on that energizing jolt of caffeine by brewing your own cup of joe (or steeping a bag of tea) at home. Carry it to work in this leak-proof travel mug by Contigo!
Lunch Box (Bag)
PackIt Freezable Lunch Bag
Ordering lunch out every day is not only a waste of money, but it also puts a significant portion of your nutritional decisions in the hands of restaurants and fast food joints, who don't keep your weight-loss goals a priority. Save cash and calories by brown-bagging lunch to work every day and carrying homemade snacks instead of picking up energy-dense junk from the store. We're fans of Pack-It's fashionable lunch bag that comes complete with its own cooling pack (and doubles as a great handbag)! Just throw it in the freezer, take it out to pack your lunch, and it'll stay chilled for up to 10 hours. Start out with one of our recipes for your Work Week.
Smaller Plates
6-piece White Dinner Plate Set
A typical portion of food on a large plate may appear smaller than it really is, which may trick your brain into thinking you need more food. Invest in a set of plates, like these from AmazonBasics, which are smaller than average and can make food servings appear significantly larger. A study published in the International Journal of Obesity found that this tactic tricks your mind into thinking you're about to consume more calories than you really are, suggesting that feeling full may be based on the perception of food quantity rather than solely based on caloric intake. If you eat off large plates on the reg, it might be one of the Reasons You're Always Hungry.
OXO Good Grips Handheld Spiralizer
Swap out those noodles for zoodles! A spiralizer turns almost any veggie into faux noodles with just the crank of a handle. This swap will save you 50 calories per cup and provides you with an extra serving of veggies in place of traditionally nutrient-lacking, refined-flour-based pasta. Once you toss it with sauce and toppings, you'll never know the difference. We like mixing zoodles with pesto, blistered tomatoes, and chopped grilled chicken, and our spiralized carrots with spicy sriracha and soy peanut sauce.
NutriNinja Auto-IQ Blender
Who knew good health could be at the touch of a button? Blenders are a game-changing appliance that every time-strapped dieter needs. Not only can they bring together a nutrient-dense smoothie in seconds, they can also be used to mix up healthy soups, protein shakes, pestos, simple sauces, nut milks, and chia puddings. Start off with these Best Smoothie Recipes For A Healthy Weight.
Meal Prep Containers
The Best Containers for Storing and Transporting Food
Pyrex Glass Bowls With Plastic Lids
Buy at Amazon (same as above)
We love these Prep Naturals Glass Meal Prep Containers. They are oven, microwave, dishwasher, and freezer safe, and come in a variety of sizes. Here are a couple of sizes that we own and use regularly:
1. Mason Jars
Mason jars are spill-proof, dishwasher safe, and can be easily organized in your fridge. We love layering salads in the bigger jars and prepping breakfast for the entire week in the smaller jars.
They are perfect for salads, overnight oats, smoothies, yogurt parfaits, soup, sauce, broth, fruits, vegetables, sauces, and dressings. They’re super affordable (usually about $1 to $2 a jar) and come in all different sizes.
If you are freezing anything in mason jars, be sure to use a wide mouth jar and leave at least 1 - 2 inches of room at the top when you fill them, to leave room for the contents to expand as they freeze. Otherwise, you may end up with a shattered jar.
You can find these convenient little guys here at Amazon by clicking on this link.
These Ball Collection Elite Pint (16-oz.) Wide Mouth Jars,(Pack of 4) are fantastic meal-prep containers, too. We love using these for soups and making our Chocolate Layered Chia Pudding.
2. Pyrex Glass Bowls with Plastic Lids
These are another popular choice for storing meal prep. Because they are glass, a lot of people find that they keep food fresh longer than plastic containers.
They're resilient, great for re-heating, & don't trap any gross lingering odors or stain from your delicious tomato sauce. They range in price from about $2 to $8 a container, depending on size.
3. Shape + Store
Shape + Store makes the most convenient kitchen tools to prepare and store meals like burger patties, meatballs, sliders, rice, pesto, cookies, and more. They ensure even portions, protect against freezer burn, & make it super easy to remove later on.
Check out these Spinach Artichoke Turkey Burgers that we made using the Shape + Store Burger Master 8-in1 or the Shape + Store Burger Master 4-in1. The perfect recipe for Meal Prep Sunday!
4. Bento Boxes
These handy containers are great for packing lunches. One major bonus is that you don't need to juggle a million different containers. They tend to be a little on the pricey side, but worth it since they last forever. This is the best bento box under $20. Easy, portioned compartments support a well-balanced diet.
Check out these super sleek Takenaka Boxes
5. Abeego
Get rid of saran wrap. This all-natural beeswax wrap is sustainable, let's food breathe, protect it from moisture, and creates zero waste. It acts like your foods natural protector and "keeps it alive". Great for storing odds and ends in the fridge & covering up leftovers.
6. Banana Guard
Ain't no one got time for a smelly, mushy banana in their bag! We'll totally admit, these are a little weird looking, but protective cases for bananas are really practical for taking bananas on-the-go to avoid bruising.
7. Cuppow BNTO Jar Combo
For all the mason jar lovers out there, you're going to love these Cuppow BNTO & Jar Combo accessories. All of the benefits of your mason jar, with the added bonus of compartments, making these great for veggies with dip, parfaits with granola, & salads with dressing.
8. U Conserve
U Konserve's mission is to reduce waste, foster change in daily habits, help you eat healthier & store safer. These stainless steel, stackable containers come in all shapes and sizes with compartments and non-toxic lids.
9. Stasher Bags
Ready to get rid of disposable ziplock bags? These self-sealing, airtight non-plastic bags can be used for cooking and storing. They're made from silicone and can go from the freezer to stovetop to dishwasher. With no harmful by-products or chemicals, they are a healthy, sustainable option that is lightweight, portable, and reusable.
10. Meal Prep Haven Stackable Containers
These containers are designed for serious meal preppers. They are great for when you need something light with just one simple compartment. They save a ton of space in the fridge, too! They are SUPER affordable, BPA-free, leak-proof, dishwasher, and microwave-safe.
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